Monday, April 5, 2010

Round Two

On the first round of Hcg, I lost 25 pounds. I have been on maintenance for 7 weeks and maintained that weight loss. I stayed exactly within the 2 pound range fluctuation.
So, I have started round two now. Spent the past two days doing my "load up" days.... UGH. Wasn't as much fun this time. I've had 7 weeks where I have been eating healthy for the most part. Indulged once in awhile... but did not GORGE like I had to the past two days. UGH again! I ate myself into a stupor.... and I feel so bloated and full. But it's what needs to be done. However, I think I will never again want to eat bacon, sausage, donuts, chips, icecream, donuts, more donuts, and MORE donuts.
So, I have my fish, cucumber, breadstick and apple for lunch and my big old mug of water and my drawer of herbal teas all handy. Here we go again! I am only doing the 20 day diet this time. I want to lose 20 to 25 pounds. I think I can do it on the short course. Last time was just a bit too long and about day 35 I was building up immunity to the Hcg.
This batch is brand new and pretty potent because on my gorge days I had NO APPETITE which made it even harder to force feed.
Anyhow.... Kauai is 51 days away. I need to lose the 25 pounds, and get a nice tan between now and then. Find a new swimsuit to wear.
And go have fun with my sweetheart. It will have been 3 months since we have been together (when I get there May 27). We talk every single day, but it's not the same as being together. Gosh I miss him!!! And he misses me. And it's hard to be so far apart. But the job is good and he's socking away all his dough, so it's a sacrifice that will be worth it.

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