Friday, February 25, 2011

Paradise... here I come!!!

These are photos of Oahu. Can't wait to go. I love the islands. Looking forward to this trip is what will help me keep my sanity. It's so hard to be apart again. And the 3 hour time difference is really hard especially when I go to bed early. Leaves us no time to talk.
I get up at 6am.... so it is 3 am where George is. When I eat lunch at 11:00, he is working. I get off work and he is getting back from lunch. I go to bed at 7 or 8 and he's still working!
It's going to get worse in a couple weeks when we change our clocks ahead one hour. Then we will be 4 hours apart because Hawaii doesn't change their clocks.
Well, being depressed is taking it's toll on me. I just eat and sleep. So I am getting fat again.
This weekend I will consume everything that is a temptation to me to the point that I will never want it again.... and then I start my diet on Tuesday.
And it's time to pull out the exercise dvds again.
And start tanning. I always feel so much better when I tan.
Hehehe when George sees me again... he's not going to recognize me. :-)

1 comment:

travelady said...

I LOVE Hawaii, and Oahu, yes indeed, paradise!
Think positive, he is making get to go out there and dang I feel bad for you....sorry. Stay busy and write a love book, blog???