Monday, June 18, 2012

Lazy days of summer

 I admit it. I did pretty much nothing this week end. We slept in until after ten on Saturday which is something we NEVER do. We are both early birds. But the bed was just too comfy.

Sunday was Father's day and G was up extremely early (like 4am) and was outside pulling weeds and sanding the deck while I stayed in bed again until after 9. I wasn't feeling so hot on Sunday. I think I ate something that didn't agree with me, though I have no clue what it could have been. We both ate the same things and he was fine. But then, G has a cast iron stomach and I don't.

But, I recovered and had a nice day with my kids and got to meet Brian's friend Amparo. I like her very much and I hope she is a permanent part of the family soon.

Adelyn is growing so big! Oh my gosh, I keep thinking that girl cannot possibly get any more cute than she already is and then the next time I see her she is just so amazing. Those blue eyes are so beautiful and that smile is so precious and she is just learning to do so many things and has so much personality. Being a grandma is so much fun. Oooh I just love my little baby girl. Just absolutely adore watching her grow.

And it's so fun to watch Karin be a momma. She is a wonderful mother. It was so long ago... yet really only yesterday... that I was in her position with her as my little one. Man.... I sometimes miss those days! Life was a lot simpler then and I really didn't appreciate it. But I will always say that the best things in my life are my children. If I accomplish nothing else in life.... I absolutely raised 4 of the best kids I could have ever asked for. And I love their choices in whom they share their lives with.

I am a happy momma.

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