Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What? !!!!

I had a really strange dream last night. The gal across the street from me asked me to sing with her and her sister Amy at General Conference. There was a very small group and she needed more voices so asked me to sing. I did not know the song they were singing but she said it was ok because someone would be holding up the words.

So I dressed up in my skirt and heels and I remember walking into a huge building and going into a small room that was enclosed in glass. That is where we would sing. I could look out and see a huge crowd of people that were gathered together for conference. All the general authority guys were seated in several rows right in front. I saw people from church there. One of them was Shirley.

We were going to be live on television. Broadcast around the world. Many countries.

The music started and Lisa and Amy and their friends stood up and started singing at the top of their lungs. I didn't know the words, but I stood up and started pretending to sing.... trying to mouth the words. But suddenly I realized (about the same time the audience did) that the words to this song were about being gay. I saw the looks on the general authorities faces. OH MY gosh they were upset. I tried to sit down in my chair and put my head down to hide because I was mortified that Lisa and Amy had chosen to sing this song LIVE on television during a religious conference. And that they had roped me into it and not told me what it was about.

Apparently the TV station cut to commercial because we suddenly got escorted out of the room real quick. People were LIVID. And Shirley came over and was literally screaming at me for doing that and told me I had lost my membership in the church over it.

I just remember seeing all the brethren, their faces. Their arms folded and the look of disapproval on them. Looking at me with those faces made me so sad and so upset.

I kept trying to tell people that I didn't know they were going to sing that particular song. I had just agreed to it without knowing the content. I tried to explain that I was just as shocked and surprised as they were. But then I started telling them to just calm down already and that it was not that big of a deal and it was really about loving ALL people and being tolerant and kind and that nobody deserves to be shunned for how they love another person. But boy everyone was in an uproar and they all blamed ME.

Very strange.

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