Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Musings

I went to Karin and Brett's ward on Sunday because Karin played a beautiful rendition of "Be Still My Soul"..... it made me cry. I want her to come play it at my ward.
More huge protests going on between the LDS church and the gay community. I was present at the first rally on Nov. 7. It was peaceful and had good energy and I was proud to be a part of it.
But now, that things are turning ugly and the church is being targeted with nasty physical attacks (several church houses having windows shot out.... white powder appearing at the church office/temple, etc) I am no longer sympathizing with the gay community. It's not just the LDS church that was against this proposition. The Catholic community also supported it... as did many other Christian faiths. I have several lesbian friends who are "married", and so I did have sympathy, but right now I am on the outs with them because of this whole thing. It's sad. But that's life.
I wish i could remember what general authority said it, but I recall reading something about in the "last days" there would be a great "weeding out" within the church. That many of the elect would fall away, that if you did not have a strong testimony to rely upon, then you would be swept away and lost. I see it happening. It's scary.

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