Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rest and Relaxation.....

Ok... so now I know I have mono. And my spleen is fine, but my liver is enlarged so I have to rest and take it easy as much as possible.
I'm thinking the best way to do that would be to go back to Kauai.
Just a thought.
I am sure I could get feeling really good if I spend the day by the pool again.... and walking on the beach.....

At least on the positive side (if there is a positive side to mono), I am already about half way through it because the first time my throat swelled shut was the day I got back from Kauai. (June 1). I'm in the "acute" phase (which is not so 'cute') and that lasts about 4 to 6 weeks in most people. (I'm not most people so with my luck this will drag on for months).
No, actually, I think I will be ok.
I have to rest. And eat healthy. Ok. I can do that.
I just hope George didn't catch it.

1 comment:

travelady said...

Glad you now know what is going on....both my boys have had it. Rest and get lots of water.