Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Scouting is for boys who WANT to do it.....

None of my boys were really into Boyscouts. They did it for awhile, and then got sick of it. None of them got their Eagle and that is totally fine with me. My philosophy is this: If my son wants to participate in scouts... I am behind him 100%. BUT if my son does NOT WANT to participate, I am NOT going to force him. I am NOT going coerce him. I am NOT going to lay a guilt trip on him about it.
Scouting is not for everybody.
David and I got invited over to my old Bishop's house for dinner last night. We kind of wondered why... all of the sudden.... we get invited over. I figured they heard I was engaged and wanted to pump me for information. But.... actually they had NOT heard that news.
No........... we barely got in the door, and sat down to the table for --- I must say --- the BEST steaks David and I have ever had in our lives (Jeremy cooks a mean steak) -- when Bishop just jumps all over David about getting his Eagle.
It was uncomfortable. Because, I'm sorry.... but repelling down a mountain, and mountain biking, and hiking a 20 mile trail, and all that does not sound like a good time to me and it does not appeal to David either. If it did --- again --- I'd support it. But he doesn't want to do that. And these days with all the scouts that die while off on one of their activities..... I am not real thrilled with putting my son in that situation.
Besides, David doesn't like any of the other boys that are going and he will not be happy.
I knew though, there was an ulterior motive for having us over to dinner. And yes... I was right.

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