Sunday, July 18, 2010

Is she too cute for words?

So this photo of Afton has nothing at all to do with what I am going to rant about.... but looking at it makes me smile.

What is up with stores? I recently went into Costco and to Fresh Market and they have totally REARRANGED their stores. I mean the aisles are all weird. They rotated the shelves so they run the opposite direction. Stuff that used to be on one side of the store has been moved to all different areas. They have weird stuff together... like cleaning products mixed in with the Tylenol.

Why? What? I hate it when stores do this because I like to go in there, know exactly what I'm getting, know EXACTLY where it's located, and just get in, and get out.

This disrupts my routine and causes me major anxiety!! I was beeyatching about it to the clerk at Fresh Market and he said they were getting 500 new items in and that by next week the store will be all rearranged and stocked.

Oh great.... Just what we need.... 500 MORE items.

I don't do well with "many options".

I know stores often do this so people HAVE to walk all around and they hope they will buy more because they will see things they didn't see before.

Well it's going to backfire with me. I'm shopping at Harmons now. I'm trying to buy locally grown produce and Harmons carries that.

I'm seriously not wanting to eat a lot of meat anymore. I just want to try to eat fresh foods as much as possible. I think it will help me to become healthier. I have never been so sick as I have been the past two years. My immune system is shot for some reason. I'm tired of it.

I am sick and tired of being "sick and tired".

1 comment:

travelady said...

lol....change can be bothersome. I am in too fresh foods also, meat kinda makes me gag anymore.