Thursday, July 8, 2010

Smileys revisited.

Georgie and I have slacked on our smiley gallery lately. Shame on us! That's our symbol... our signature.... OUR THING.
He's been working his butt off lately to get ahead of everybody else. So now he leaves them messages.... the one above says "46 ahead of you".... because he is 46 showers AHEAD of the other workers. Yeehaw!
There is a method to his madness. He's hoping if he finishes way ahead of deadline, the Boss will let him come to Utah for a week or so before being shipped off to Oahu.
So we're keeping fingers crossed. I want him to see Utah in the summer! He's only seen the cold winter. I want him to know Utah is nice in the summer!!
He's going to make Utah his home.... so I want him to know it has its good points and it's not all cold, snow, rain, ice and blowing wind.
OOOOOOOOOOOh I can't wait to see my Georgie again. I miss him terribly.

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