Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Night Blindness

What it looks like to me at night

what tail lights look like to me
It's pretty close to the point where I won't be able to drive after dark at all. I avoid it as much as I can because this is what it looks like to me when I drive.

Especially the first picture at the top. Oncoming headlights are starbursts. I can't see the road in front of me. It's really scary.

And if I am on a road that I am unfamiliar with, so I don't know where the twists and turns are.... oh boy. White knuckle driving.

Combine that with rain, or snow..... just get me a hotel room cuz I ain't going nowhere.

Sucks to get old. My eyes are getting bad very fast and it does worry me.


The Lamoreauxs said...

You should get your eyes checked. Seeing starburst is a symptom of cataracts. On another note, I can see just fine at night but still had one of the scariest driving home experiences of my life in the storm last night. It was a complete white out coming up the mountain.

Hotflash said...

Yep. I am going to see an opthamologist (instead of an optometrist) as soon as I get more Paid time off in March so I can leave work to go to the appts.

I am so glad you made it home safely. Your road is VERY scary. And complete white out would absolutely terrify me.