Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dream Symbols

David has been dreaming about scorpions. I've been dreaming about school. Karin has been dreaming about tornados. What does it all mean?
I did a little bit of research on dream symbols. Dreaming about a scorpion represents fear and anxiety. Fear of judgement, criticism, or "stinging words". That fits David to a "T". It can also mean a situation of tension, or unsettled emotions in waking life.
Dreaming about tornadoes has many interpretations, the spinning vortex can signify that one feels their life is spinning out of control. Tornados leave massive amounts of destruction, so it could signify that one feels powerless over some random misfortune. It also signifies fear. Tornadoes rip everything away. Are you afraid of something being torn from you? Is there a situation in life that you fear will cause you to lose everything?
Dream tornadoes can also mean abrupt life-altering changes. Maybe you're afraid a decision you make will change your life forever (marriage, divorce, new child, new job, a move, etc....)
It also says that if you watched "The Wizard of Oz" a lot when you were young, the tornado in the movie is seen as a portal to another land. If you associate strongly with that story, it can mean that you are wishing you could be carried away to a land of fantasy. Remember, as much as Dorothy desired escape, she realized that happiness was in her own backyard!!
My dreams of being in school are almost always the same.... I'm NOT PREPARED. I have lost the combination to my locker.... can't find my classes, can't find my locker.... have no money for food, can't find my way to the office.... I'm so FRUSTRATED in the dreams. And yeah... I'm frustrated in life too. I don't feel prepared. For ANYTHING. LOL.

1 comment:

travelady said...

My dreams are so bizarre every night....I was thinking of a blog similar to this, you read my
Your above is sad that some people choose to hold on to grudges, anger and not being able to forgive....I have been there done that...sad, life is short and we need to remember that, Jesus loves us all NO matter what.