Saturday, April 25, 2009


Friday morning I had the second epidural injection in my neck. It didn't go as easy at the first. He decided to do it in a different spot and he had difficulty getting into the epidural sac. So he would put in the needle (which feels like a nail), and inject dye, then they take an x-ray to see if it's in the right spot, and it wasn't, so he would have to do it again. He poked me at least 8 times. I was getting claustrophobic and I had a panic attack.

Suddenly I broke out in a sweat, started shaking, felt nauseous, and got real panicky. They stopped the procedure and put ice packs on me, gave me oxygen, and when I was better they proceeded. My blood pressure had dropped a bit too.

When it was over, I went straight home (it was 10am) and slept for about an hour and a half and then I was wide awake til 2am in the morning. I was just WIRED.

This morning I got up and went to the bank, then post office, Costco, Walmart, Albertsons, and went home to try to nap, but couldn't. Its weird, my neck is not in a lot of pain -- it is tender and hurts a bit, but not as bad as before, but the strange thing is that I am having difficulty swallowing. It hurts my esophagus to swallow or burp. There is a heavy pressure on it.

I hope that goes away soon.

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