Monday, June 14, 2010

Time flies

It's been two weeks since I left Kauai. I wish I was still there. It's a heck of a lot nicer weather than here in "Welcome-To-Winter-Revisited-in-June" Utah. Brrrrrr.
So, wedding plans are coming along. I have a caterer. I have a playlist for music and David says he will download my songs. I have decorations in mind. I have two places in mind to have it, but despite my reluctance at doing it at my ward building... I think that is where I'm going to have it. Because it is close, and it is cheap. LOL. My second place is the Town Hall in Herriman where they did the Kramer Family Reunion dinner. But that would require people to travel further.
I'm not expecting a ton of people. (I'm not inviting a ton of people).
Yesterday in Relief Society they made me announce it. The GASP in the room was hilarious. I wish I could have taped it.
My witchy neighbor was not there. So now the WHOLE ward knows and she does not. Do you know how pissed off she is going to be that she is the LAST to know and more importantly that I did not tell her personally??

Ask me if I care.


Caroline said...

Have you decided on a date yet?

Hotflash said...

We can't pick a date until we know when George will be back in Utah. He is still in Kauai for at least 9 weeks and then he may go to Oahu for a few months.

So...... no date yet. I'm thinking it will be next year.