Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Beautiful Story

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding this book. Some Kindergarten child took it home from their school library and the parents flipped out because it is about a story of a family that has two moms.

The fact that the moms are lesbian is a very SMALL part of the story. The main focus is how three children were adopted into a LOVING and WONDERFUL home and given the kind of childhood most kids dream of.... whether they have gay families, straight families, blended families, or   what ever!

This book made me cry. It was so sweet.

The fact of the matter is this: There are many, many types of families. What there is very little of... are STABLE home environments. This book shows a wonderful, caring, loving, fun, educational, exciting, sweet, STABLE home environment. One of love, acceptance, and selflessness. And guess what? The kids all grew up and got married to people of the opposite sex!  oooooh boy... the gayness didn't rub off! How shocking! (rolling eyes).

There is so much worse things that kids are exposed to in media. Making a big deal over this book is dumb. Oh my gosh, sales in Utah are sky high for that naughty soft core porn book "50 shades of grey" (I think that is what it's called....) but all the negative attention is for THIS children's book?

Wake up people!!  Get a life! This book is all about family values!!  Don't judge a book by its cover. Read it. I bet  you will be pleasantly surprised.  If you liked the book "I'll Love You Forever".... which, by the way, is one of my favorites also --- I bet you will like this book.

But one could argue that in "I'll Love You Forever" the mom is a bit creepy that she sneaks into her son's bedroom and holds him all through his life.....  see it's what kind of spin you put on it.... you can make anything look bad if you let your mind go there.

I look forward to reading this book to my grandchildren.

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