Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The CHOKING GAME isn't funny

A story that has hit me close to home. Read about it.

My son David has participated in it. 

This letter from a police officer was very powerful.

Why do kids do this? And why does David not realize how BAD this is?  He says he did it in like 5th grade -- at his DAD's house with his friends.

I trust him not to be doing it anymore.

But then again he also just admitted to me that he was with friends and one of them put a RIFLE to David's chest and pulled the trigger to "be funny."

As a Mom, I am SICK inside thinking of what could happen to my son when he is out.

I have always had a bad feeling he would die young. I sure hope I'm wrong.

1 comment:

Hotflash said...

I know! David is going to kill me when he finds out I blogged about this, but I don't care. I was mad that he has done this, and that he had the thing with the gun happen. That is how these stupid kids KILL their friends. Pulling stunts like that to "be funny.". It's not funny. Not to this mama anyway!! :-(