Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Flat Belly Diet

Finally taking the advice of my doctor and my physical therapists of the past and I am following a diet rich in MUFAs.

I was told after I had my endoscopy that my entire digestive tract was "inflamed".

I was told when I had physical therapy that my muscle and joints have inflammation.

I was told by my doctor that I would do well to eat an "anti-inflammatory" diet.

Well, ok. I am doing it. And I like it. I make a big pitcher of "Sassy Water" each night which is basically 9 cups or more of water, a whole cucumber sliced, a whole lemon sliced, mint leaves, and a teaspoon of fresh ginger. You let it steep overnight to flavor the water and then drain it and drink it. I like the taste very much!

This is a diet that is rich in healthy foods, and healthy fats. You eat 4 times a day (3 meals and a snack) and truth be told... I can't eat all the food! Now THAT's a great diet!! LOL.

Well, George is off in Hawaii until 2013 sometime. Not sure if he will get to come home at Christmas or not, we will see. Maybe I'll end up going over there. Anyhow, for now I am just taking each day and concentrating on improving my health.

Me and George eat out a LOT and I know that having him gone, I won't be doing that at all, so that will definitely help. LOL.  Weather will be cooling off soon, so I can do some walking. I'll get back into a routine.
It will be a positive thing even though every night when I climb into an empty bed it's a heart ache that brings on the tears. We sleep entwined all night long. It's hard to get used to being alone.

Ok. stop this flood of tears. No more. I'm going to get back to work. They have me taking over a lot of Marissa's duties, now that she quit, and hopefully my cheerful "Yes, I can do that", will earn me a big raise when we finally get to have one again. (crossing fingers).

Until then.... chin up.


The Lamoreauxs said...

Sounds like you need some grandma time.

Hotflash said...

Would LOVE some of that!!