Friday, September 14, 2012

Christmas in Hawaii

 Nothing set in stone, but chances are I shall be spending Christmas and New Years in Hawaii this year. If so, then THAT is where I will do my Christmas shopping for my kids and bring them back something neat.

We have spent Christmas and New Years in Texas the past two years and I know George's daughter Monica is going to be really sad that we won't be there. But it appears he will be working in the islands well into next year and it would cost a fortune for him to come here, and then we go to Texas. So for this year, the holiday will be on the island of Kauai.
Unless things change.
 I have been checking out flights to Vermont for next sugaring season and found some round trip tickets for $350!  Michael claims he can get us free rooms at a hotel. That would be awesome. If we all chip in on a car, that would be great. If we could get a hotel with a small kitchen in at least one unit, we could eat in and save a bunch.

Anyhow.... I'm excited to go to Hawaii again. It's so beautiful.

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