Monday, September 17, 2012

R.I.P. Aunt Wilma

My Aunt Wilma Aplin passed away in her sleep last night. She has had pneumonia for a week or so.

I think it's a blessing. My poor Aunt has gone from being a young mom of 3, to a poor, crippled, disfigured, pain ridden woman trapped in her body for years. Her hands are misshapen. Her head is at a permanent angle. She's been in a nursing home for a long time.

It really is a blessing that she is now free from that body. I can't stand the thought of her being like this.

She had a very, very rough life. She was married to my uncle David and he was very abusive. He had polio and was on crutches, and I know he used to hit her with the crutches. She was always VERY quiet. Afraid of her own shadow. My uncle was a mean, gruff, HUGE man. A lot went on that I never even knew about, but the things my mom used to tell me, made me terrified of my uncle.... and feel very sorry for my aunt. They were separated for a long time. Not sure if they divorced, or were just separated. But my uncle died a few years ago and now she is gone.  Sad, but really... I'm relieved for her.

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