Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Update on Dad

Just talked to my sister and she told me about her visit yesterday. She said dad looked really bad. He was exhausted because of the pain. He can't sleep because of the pain. She found out the ONLY pain medication they have been giving him is Tramadol and Tylenol. NOT STRONG ENOUGH!

So she got on the nurses case. The nurse called the doc and they gave him some hydrocodone in pill form. Then he tried to eat some dinner. A few minutes later he started gagging and threw up. Donna actually went through his vomit to see if the pill was in there, but it was not so she figured it stayed down. About 20 minutes later he relaxed a little bit and his pain eased somewhat. I must have called him right about the same time Donna left. So when he told me his pain was gone, it was because the pain pill had kicked in finally.

He has not eaten much. Physical therapy wears him out completely. They are discharging him tomorrow to Pine Heights for rehab. He is in adult diapers now. He's very depressed and Donna feels like he doesn't have much fight left in him. She was also concerned that he may be getting pneumonia. She heard the same rattle in his chest that I did. She said he did NOT have a spirometer in his room which is standard issue for post surgical patients to prevent them from getting pneumonia. So she was calling the hospital to tell  them to get him one.

She said she couldn't sleep last night because she just kept seeing his face and how pitiful and sad and in pain he looked. At that point she started crying on the phone and so did I.

I asked her if I should go back there to see him, but she was thinking the same as me.... to wait and see. If he starts going downhill, then I should. Right now it could go either way. She said he kept talking about how he should just die because he can't enjoy life anymore.

So my prayers have changed from "Please bless him to get well" to "Please bless him with whatever is best for HIM."  If it is his time to leave, then it is. I'm not going to hold him here for my own selfish reasons.

God bless him with whatever is best for him and god bless me with the strength to deal with it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my poor Grandpa! :( That breaks my heart. Those horrible little hospitals just irk me sometimes. I hope with pain subsided his fight will grow.