Monday, November 9, 2009

Ha ha ha ha ha I knew this would happen.

There is a woman at work, who is the Nazi police when it comes to following "procedures". After she was hired, she wrote so many Procedures that have to be followed, that the office joke was that we are not allowed to fart unless it is in a procedure manual and then we have to document where we farted, how long it lasted, who smelled it (and get signatures) then make file copies and electronic back ups.
It is utterly ridiculous.
And now it is coming back to BITE this woman in the ass. (excuse me... in the BUTT) because NOBODY is following half of the procedures because they just are not feasible and are totally ridiculous and don't really apply to our company!!
But because they are not being followed, then when we get audited, it shows we are in violation for not doing something that she said we should be doing... but it is something that is MOOT for our office! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So NOW.... she is being forced to "Obsolete" all these procedures that she instituted. Which makes me laugh my butt off.
And so many people are mad at her because they have been written up for not following the procedures, but they are such stupid rules that make no sense.......... and should NEVER have been put in place.
This is the EXACT thing that caused me to go off and SCREAM at this woman a couple years ago. (I never lose my temper, but I sure did let loose on her over these procedures because I saw this coming at the time she instituted them). I was yelling at her so bad that people were coming out of their offices to see what was going on.
And now it takes every ounce of strength to bite my tongue and not say "I TOLD YOU SO!" when I see her.
Golllllly just thinking about it makes me get so stressed out and keyed up that I am already in a foul mood.
General procedures are essential in our business. But HER procedures were so thoroughly detailed that seriously... they just were not appropriate at all. I mean... it's like we were not allowed to think for ourselves, and we are not allowed to adapt to individual circumstances.... and if I chose to do something she would always say "Is that in our procedures? Show me where it is." And I would say "NO, it is NOT in our procedures and I don't CARE! This is how I am doing this! Because THIS IS HOW IT MAKES SENSE AND HOW IT WORKS!" We are talking stupid things here... like little index cards that I keep notes on for the engineers. If I forget to update one.... which happens a lot because I get busy.... then oh dear, I am in violation! Heaven forbid! (Nobody uses the cards anyway.... they just ASK me for the information).
and oooooh there were cards from back in the 1980's that had the wrong information. Well, la-dee-da! Big freaking deal! I have only been here for 5 years and obviously those cards were NEVER used even once during the past 5 years or I would have found the error and corrected it!!!
I am responsible for almost 10,000 Master Records/documents/ drawings..... and over 60,000 copies ---- does she seriously think I am on top of every single one for the past 30 years???
Well, anyhow.... she is having to get rid of all these stupid things she wrote, by making them "Obsolete" because they are stupid and dumb and not feasible and it just makes me want to dance with glee and set the stack on fire.

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