Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Be Prepared

Proverbs 6:6-8

6 Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
7 It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
8 yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.

Boy scouts aren't the only ones with the motto of "Be Prepared". Nor are members of the LDS faith. Lots of people these days are feeling the urgency and need to "stock up", to "get out of debt", to "store for times of necessity".

It's just good common sense. I went to Costco the other day and lots of people were buying case after case of water. Kind of freaked me out. Some had huge piles of batteries too.

Turns out Costco was just having a REALLY good sale on water and batteries. But the people who took advantage of that sale are the wise ones. We bought a couple of cases of water last night and 25 pounds of beans. Some Paper towels.

We have talked about buying a freezer to put in the garage so we can store meat and veggies when they go on sale. My freezer in my refrigerator is TINY and hardly holds anything. I used to have a deep freeze years ago and it was great. I made lots of jams and had a year supply of strawberry freezer jam. Bought meat on sale so I always had a roast or two on hand for "emergency guests".

So this year will be a good year for us. We will have my car paid off by the end of the year. Woo hoo! We are doubling and tripling payments to accomplish that. It will be such a relief.

We'd love to plant a garden, but not sure if that is going to happen. Maybe next year. I need to look into how to do container gardens. If I can put some on my deck, that might work. I'd just like some fresh tomatoes and peppers. We buy a TON of those. We're starting our own avocado tree too. ha ha. It may never produce... but it's fun to watch.

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