Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I now understand!

I never really understood the whole concept of a siesta. (Nap in spanish). I mean, yes I understand taking naps, but in some cultures and areas the work day STOPS and people take a siesta.

I always used to think "Geez, what is the deal with that?"

Now I know.

George is working in Phoenix, AZ this week and he gets up and goes to work at 4:30 in the morning. Why? Because it's COOL. By about 10 am it's already 80+ degrees and at noon to 3pm it's up in the 90's or 100's. Working outside is nearly impossible in that heat!

So for outdoor laborers..... they usually get up very early, go to work early to get as much done as they can. Then they take off a few hours during the hottest part of the day, and then they go back to work after 3pm and work till like 7pm because it is cooler.

I totally get it now!

He says he is getting so toasted (tan) that he looks like dark chocolate.


I admire people who can work outside. I am such a wimp when it comes to heat that there is NO WAY I could last. I mean, I get cranky and sick when it's 75 degrees INSIDE the office building. I'm flipping the air conditioner on all the time and making everybody else freeze. I don't care. They can put on a sweater or a coat. But I cannot cool off unless the air is on!

So, now I understand the whole concept of a siesta and why work stops for some people as they go inside during the hottest part of the day. I wonder why I never figured that out before?

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